Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National initiatives

  • Shamash: Shamash is a project funded by the ANR in the national program for research in bioenergy. Its objective is to produce biodiesel from microalgae. Shamash, coordinated by O. Bernard, includes 9 partners, for a total budget of 2.8 Millions Euros. The role of BIOCORE is to design a model of the process in order to better understand the dynamical mechanisms that lead to the transient storage of lipids. The second step will then consist in defining optimal conditions to maximize the oil production. See http://www-sop.inria.fr/comore/shamash/

  • Symbiose: BIOCORE takes part in the Symbiose ANR project. The objective of this project is both to improve the energetic balance of biofuel microalgal productions and to recycle nitrogen and phosphorus. The project proposes to study the coupling between a microalgal production system and an anaerobic digester. The objectives of BIOCORE are to propose a model of the coupled system, and to compute the optimal fluxes between the various compartments in order to optimize the energy recovery. See http://anr-symbiose.org/

  • Salinalgue: BIOCORE is involved in the FUI Salinalgue project. The objective of this project is to take benefit of endemic microalgae species in areas of high salinity (previously used to produce salt) to produce both biofuel (either lipid based or methane) and co products. BIOCORE is in charge of lab scale experiments and of the modelling of the process.

  • GDR PROBBE: The objective of this GDR is the development of new biotechnological processes based on microorganisms producing metabolites which can be used as fuel for transportation (lipids, sugars, methane, hydrogen, ...). BIOCORE is taking part mainly in the modelling and control aspects of the processes involving anaerobic bacteria or microalgae.

  • Nautilus: O. Bernard is coordinating the Nautilus ARC whose objective is to understand and model the coupling between hydrodynamics and microalgae photosynthesis.

  • ColAge: The goal of this joint INRIA-INSERM consortium is to study bacterial growth and aging by using mathematical modelling and computational predictions to design and implement a de novo biological system. This Large-Scale Initiative Action is partly funded by INRIA and supervised by H. Berry (Alchemy, INRIA).

  • GeMCo: The objective of this project is to do model reduction, experimental validation, and control for the gene expression machinery in E. coli. The project is funded by ANR (2010-BLAN-0201-01) and coordinated by M. Chaves (BIOCORE, INRIA)

  • RBHS: INRA-SPE is funding the project “Rôle de la biodiversité et des hétérogénéités spatio-temporelles de la distribution des ravageurs et de leurs ennemis naturels dans les phénomènes de régulations biologiques" in which BIOCORE is a partner with INRA Sophia Antipolis and INRA Avignon (2009-2011)

  • Eco-tuta: INRA-SPE is funding the project “Ecologie des communautés dans les agro-écosystèmes et implications pour la lutte biologique contre une espèce invasive: le cas Tuta absoluta sur tomate" in which BIOCORE is a partner with INRA Sophia Antipolis (2010-2012).

  • Propagules: INRA-SPE is funding the project “Effet de différentes composantes de la pression de propagules sur le succès d’établissement d’un auxiliaire de lutte biologique" in which BIOCORE is a partner with INRA Sophia Antipolis (2011-2013).

  • Metacarpe: This INRA SPE-GAP-EFPA-EA project (call “Gestion durable des résistances des bio-agresseurs”) is entitled “Modélisation de l'évolution des traits d'histoire de vie en lien avec l'agressivité des champignons parasites biotrophes : application au pathosystème rouille-peuplier”. BIOCORE is taking part with CIRAD, INRA Sophia Antipolis Nancy and Rennes (2010-2012).

  • COREV: BIOCORE is an active participant in the research group COREV (Modèles et théories pour le contrôle de ressources vivantes et la gestion de systèmes écologiques).

  • RTP-M3D: BIOCORE is a participant in the RTP-M3D workgroup (Mathématiques et décision pour le développement durable) that is supported by the “Environment and sustainable growth” department of CNRS. L. Mailleret is one of the co-leaders of M3D.

  • Seminar: BIOCORE organizes a regular seminar “Modelling and control of ecosystems” at the station zoologique of Villefranche-sur-Mer or at INRIA.